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carioke songs you won't do.
While I love the song, Don't take The Girl , I CANNOT sing it in carioke. the reason why is because I got too emotional singing it and had to fight tears.. Anybody else have any songs that they can't sing in carioke and why. I would love to hear.
Tim McGraw--Don't Take the Girl
Change-One-Letter - part 4
I had to look this up on Bing. I honestly have never heard of the phrase "speed dating' before. I'm not out of the loop or anything like that. It's just one of those things that sneaked past my mental radar. Having described my naive nature on bad days, has anyone done this before? If this is something where I can have a step or two up on other attendee's, the better. Tip's, suggestions, tip's, idea's, tip's and advice would be appreciated. ![]() I saw one of these listed at a Sheraton hotel that I was staying at on business. So I popped my head in the door to take a look at what was going on in there. It was held in the brightly lit conference hall. Men and women were sitting across from either other on rows of tables. It looked like there were some time keepers walking around monitoring things. Every one had a " hello I'm______ sticker on. To tell you the truth, It looked like a school cafeteria setting, less the food... and filled instead with parents. It looked weird.... maybe had they dimmed the lights. This jibes with the description I read in a story one time. From what I got of the story it was a group of people, girls on one side and guys on the other. they had five minutes to impress each other. If both individuals liked each other, they could continue talking to each other. If one didn't, on with the show. Likes and dislikes were determined on a rating scale after each segment. ... This may sound tasteless, but it sounded like the dating version of a career fair. |
Hey Isaac and captainbinaho, let it be well-know that tall men and women can get the job done. My brother, 6-9, and his wife maybe 53 have two kids. Me, at 6-6 and my ex, at 5-2 have a daughter. It isdefinitely possible to get the job done. we tall people realize that most of our options are going to be short and petite. That's why we would jump at the opportunity to get both tall and beautiful.,
Okay this may sound like an odd topic to most,but when you are guy like me who's 6'6" tall, finding a beautiful woman with a great personality who is also very tall as well is like winning the DDuuuuuuuude!!! You are sooooooo right. Well, tall people would like some love. wouldn't it be nice to have a 6+ tall with a personality. BTW, me and you are the same height. |
Say Something Vague - part 9
It is what it is.
zzzzzz positions
So yawl wanna talk about non zzz sleeping positions. ... that wold be laying across the bed. instead of laying head to foot, its the right side to the left ... definitely on my back.
My favorite sleep position ... on my stomach with my legs stacked on top of each other while being on their sides. That's the best description. The funniest position ... I was sober, yet I found myself lying on my back on the floor with my legs in the bed. |
While I agree with Glenn Beck rarely, he always had the best solution: Happy ramachanakwanmas. That way everyone is included. Seriously if people are going to be inclusive do it by combining all of the holidays not a generic Happy Holidays.
For me it is, and always will be, Merry Christmas. Other people can feel free to respond in kind with their seasonal greeting. Instead of always being offended, it should be about spreading good will, cheer, and peace, ... right? |
Come a little Closer--Dirx Bentley
I just got upstairs from watching a really cool movie: Bad Words. It is the adventure of a 40-year-old that participates in a spelling bee because of a loophole. In the process of doing so, two thinngs happen: he befriends a boy, and he deals with a lot of backlash from the other parents. The main character stays in the bee, and the competition will end with a couple of twists. I definitely recommend watching it.
Would you date on
Seeing that I am really superstitious about sports, there is no problem dating on Friday the 13th. ... Unless Lebron James was coming to town to face the Hawks, and I took a girl to the game. Then I would be most likely mad that the Hawks beat my Man and perhaps grumpy with the girl.
It was the story of Louis "loui" Zamperini. He hhad a very moving story and the movie did a good job of showing all the struggles he faced in his life untilhe became a Christian at the end. Verrrrrrry moving.
You talk about Pearl Harbor taking you through a range of emotions ... well that was me with the Unbroken documentary. I actually am surprised I didn't cry with that one.
Even though I love Ms. Doubtfire, I can't watch the last monologue without bawling. It just tears me up every time.
Scotch ... any alcohol really ... is the best when its straight, raw, and intense. No soda, water or juice for me; just the good stuff.
Welcome to the Blind spot.
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Fri 11/13/15 07:28 AM
Hey one and all,
My name is John, and I quite litterly stumbled upon this site. I like what I've seenso far, and look forward to hanging out here more. So who am I ... First and foremost, I am visually and hearing impaired. I just want to let you all know that simply so you are aware. I am not ashamed of mmy disabilities because I still have a pretty good life. Aside from that, I love God, sports, country music, reading books, watching, and hanging out with family and friends. Lastly, I love the city of Atlanta. For the record, if anyone has questions about my blindness, feel free to ask me out here in a forum or in a private message. |