Community > Posts By > TrystaBella85
Why the girls are so proud ?
My posts claim all.
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Why the girls are so proud ?
Oh my......
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Why the girls are so proud ?
Sugar and spice and all things nice .. Girls rule ![]() ![]() We really do, don't we? ![]() ![]() |
why are men so confused?
How thrilling, I hope you're willing to do whatever it takes to make her happy, too, otherwise, it sounds like a lot of one-sided loving (serving) to me....
why are men so confused?
This thread needs to be called "Why are people so confused" because a lot of people seem to be confused by both genders....
Why the girls are so proud ?
I assume it's a knock-off of Prada?
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Why the girls are so proud ?
For the same reason the boys are so proud, because they can be.
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why are men so confused?
When they find she has this and that they sometimes find she also has the other thing... ![]() ![]() |
why are men so confused?
Edited by
Tue 09/22/15 04:33 PM
Maybe they want her to have other qualities in addition to this or that. For example, I want to find a guy who's really good looking and really smart, but if he's needy and clingy and has a bad temper, it's over. You can want an apple, but if it's got worms in it you throw it away. Or at least I do....
I don't share my morning cup of coffee. ![]() Me either, I don't share anything, but especially not that. ![]() |
Welcome, good luck in your search.
The thing is people are human; you can love them with every fiber of your being and if they chose to love another or just leave they will. Only a fool believes that they can change the outcome. ![]() |
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If that special one did come into my life i would tie that knot coz i would want her to be mine only for the rest of my life If she is yours forever it doesn't matter if you tie the knot or not. If she is not yours forever it doesn't matter if you tie the knot or not. She is not a piece of property that you can place a do not trespass sign on. Exactly, possessive behavior is not healthy, people are free to come and go as they please. ![]() |
I ate too much and now I'm sleepy....
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Edited by
Tue 09/22/15 02:00 PM
I get wanting more pics if the person only has 1 photo. Maybe you might want more pics if they only have 2 photos. But if you actually have 5 or more photos of yourself and the person keeps asking for more, I think he's hinting at nudes (which a lot of them are) or he's just being weird and creepy about it. You can get a sense of what someone looks like in 5 freaking photos, there's no reason to request more, unless he really is building a weird collection of women, who knows, stranger things have happened....
About adding people to my FB, hell no, never again, ever guy that I've met from a dating site and added to my FB and we were trying to date, it ended in freaking disaster. Drama, spying, lots of crazy stuff. One jerk I added to my FB, he pissed me off so I unfriended and blocked him. He actually found me on Youtube because I had made the mistake of telling him the username I use on a lot of my accounts (big mistake there) and begged me to talk to him again. I felt sorry for him, added him back and he threw a total fit over something really stupid. Long story short, he messaged me a few times, after I told him I was going to watch a movie and wouldn't be available. He could see I had read the messages (thanks a lot FB) but hadn't replied so he got mad and proceeded to stalk me and make nasty comments under every photo I had ever tagged him in. FB has a rule if you ever block anyone and unblock them, you're not allowed to re-block them until a certain number of hours has passed. So I actually had to deactivate my freaking account just to get rid of his psychotic *** until the time had passed for me to block him again. The moral of this story is: yes you do have some childish, psychotic idiots out there. Yes, some people do want to get on your social media to cause drama and bs and yes, you need to be aware of them and say no. In the future, it will be a very very very long time before I allow some guy I'm dating to be on my FB, if ever. At least until I have definite proof he doesn't belong in a freaking asylum. Or prison. Better to be safe and cynical rather than scammed or worse. I had to threaten to call the police on this loser, he was so crazy.... ![]() |
My intelligence and creativity.
Hi, i'm new!
Welcome. Good luck to you.
Just asking
Nothing lasts forever, especially since no one lives forever. Enjoy whatever you have for the time you have it.
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Edited by
Tue 09/22/15 12:04 PM
That is very true.. I always imagined online relationships and very romantic.. You get to talk to someone all day long and never get tired and it feels great because you've never met but yet you bring out all these emotions in each other.. I guess I've just been watching too many movies.. For now, I'll just lower my expectations
No offense when I say this.. I see some of the problems you might be having. One.. No one has all day to talk to you unless they aren't working then why would you want them. Also even though you are in a relationship they still need time for themselves as you do. Putting feelings into someone you haven't met is a dangerous game to play. I have seen to many times people think it is great wonderful meet and find out that what they thought wasn't really there.. Movies... Well they make millions of dollars to put the best foot forward on relationships... They don't' talk about the reality of smelly socks, bad habits, of each person nothing only the perfect things. Which are there and yet there is the other things to.. Instead of lowering your expectations how about fine tuning them to the real world. To a person that has all the qualities of being real. For example I have a wonderful man, and at times I know I want to kill him as much as he wants to kill me. Would I want to trade him in no way I accept him for all his facets that makes him...him... the good and the bad. IF he was perfect then I would have to be and well that isn't going to happen. Good advice. ![]() I agree with everything except the part about them not working because they have time to talk to you all day, that's not necessarily true. I used to talk to a few guys all the time, they used their phones. This one guy was a security guard, so he talked to me while he made his rounds. So it's possible to work and text, it's not advisable, but it can be done. Every thing else you've said here, I agree with wholeheartedly. ![]() |