Community > Posts By > iamsouthside

iamsouthside's photo
Sun 05/31/09 01:23 AM
its one thing to disagree, and its another to debate over an issue that needs to be dealt with..but for sure its not worth to argue over petty bs thats not going to make your relationship better...

iamsouthside's photo
Wed 05/27/09 10:09 PM
No!!!!!!! if you plan on cheating just be f*ck buddies its that simple.

iamsouthside's photo
Wed 05/27/09 09:55 PM
Edited by iamsouthside on Wed 05/27/09 09:57 PM
ok u get a 10 ma...u are the most beautiful woman ive ever laid eyes on (since you wanna be lied to) all jokes aside ur gettin alot of high marks but everyone has different taste so why be mad 4

iamsouthside's photo
Wed 05/27/09 09:46 PM
4 not trying to be mean ma

iamsouthside's photo
Wed 05/27/09 09:34 PM

The more I read in these forums the more I start thinking I should become a dating coach.

I've never felt lonely, even when I have been alone. The time I spend alone I enjoy as much as the time I spend with frineds or meeting new friends.
Someone get that guy a drink....we need to start gettin paid for this...u too melody...pitchfork yes a very lucrative business with millions of untapped $$$$$$$$$

iamsouthside's photo
Wed 05/27/09 09:27 PM
Edited by iamsouthside on Wed 05/27/09 09:30 PM
you can be around millions of people and still feel lonely...and nothing is wrong with that ..we all have something we do, believe in,or want that we think no one else does or understand..the key to ending that feeling is not being scared to make different connections even if you may feel like an oddball..because the odds are very high that someone can relate to and understand you and vice versa.drinker drinks so just have a couple drnks go out and dont stress it

iamsouthside's photo
Wed 05/27/09 09:00 PM

Society has done a fairly good job of keeping it under wraps but yes it's been around forever, but so has our antiquated views of sexuality. Heck even straight sex isn't quite natural anymore considering people are using drugs to allow them to even have it.

How we became so sexually repressed is a mystery to me. I mean I know how we demonized it, just don't know why we ever did that in the first place.
we came repressed by the few that were in power...they manipulate the masses by editing religion: fear of god can work wonders even today. government,royalty, get the point..just repeat over thousands of years and this is what you get

iamsouthside's photo
Wed 05/27/09 02:53 PM
all the outrage in the gay community is a bunch of bs..for 2 reasons...1.its a word.. marrige = man and woman, civil union= man+man or woman+woman all that needs to be done is assure that civil unionised couples have the same rights as married couples in every way..and 2.its not descrimination the people have spoken prop 8 was voted on just like the presidency was..and here is an extra : every continent in the world defines marrige between a man and a woman!!!! so thats every nationality/ethnicity in agreement!!(any 1 thats against gay marrige just because they dont like homosexuals are wrong too just for the record)

iamsouthside's photo
Wed 05/27/09 02:29 PM

dam all that bad and scary news ... this is why people smoke so much weed.
Even if there is no bad news im still gon do it!!!:tongue:

iamsouthside's photo
Wed 05/27/09 02:24 PM
lmfao!!!!!laugh laugh

iamsouthside's photo
Tue 05/26/09 10:21 PM
no..... like riding the subway in the morning and trying to hold your spot where you can lean on the door for more than five stops without being crushed or somehow ending up tip toed with one arm on the rail holding the weight of about 3 people and still hold ya coffee without it spilling!!!!thats that ny ish!!!!

iamsouthside's photo
Tue 05/26/09 10:10 PM
Emulators are very easy to use all you have to do is clck and drag any rom that you have downloaded for the emulator that you are using and drop it into the get roms(games for an emulator) just search on any engine..ex: gba is a very simple task im playing advance wars right now actually...and on a pc runnong on windows 98 !!!!

iamsouthside's photo
Tue 05/26/09 09:48 PM
Edited by iamsouthside on Tue 05/26/09 09:50 PM

Dont ask what colour underwear they are wearing.

Dont ask how many ex's they have

Dont ask if they 'put out' on the first date

Ask them what they drive

Ask them do they like their job

Ask them do they like this site

Ask them what you can do to have them feel comfortable emailing with you

Dont immediately expect a reply.... we women get lots of emails a day... from every tosser, loser, whiner, player known to mankind.

We want the lot..... but it best be the package deal that WE want...

Oh!!!!!!!!! and READ their profiles... and ask questions from that....I mean MEMORISE their profiles... if you cant be bothered doing that.... trust me, we cant be bothered answering you.
now it does not take a genius to see that this woman is letting ya know how to step to her....take notes before i hop on it...(sips hennesy)drinks

iamsouthside's photo
Mon 05/25/09 11:07 PM
Im tired of hearing people (mostly women)say theyre tired of in a past relationship of mine my ex made the same claim before i got with her but gave me so many mixed signals that i just ended i want to know what is your definition of games (no sarcastic bs either)i just need 2 know

iamsouthside's photo
Mon 05/25/09 10:51 PM
so how do you get someones attention without coming off as a lame,creep,or super thug...beyond hi or hey youre going to look like one of the 3 for sure unless.......................

iamsouthside's photo
Mon 05/25/09 10:39 PM
i dnt know what an alpha male is but i do know if keep it stright foward from the start you will get what you want..maybe not with every woman but it works time after time..and u dont have to be the bad guy at the end

iamsouthside's photo
Mon 05/25/09 10:33 PM
I think over half the women on these sight are pre programmed not to respond...ok i understand that creeps are out there both male and female but what makes a woman not repond to hi,or something real simple and gentleman thats what has me confused (this is a dating site if ya scared of a lil convo dnt log on its that simple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

iamsouthside's photo
Mon 05/25/09 10:22 PM
yeah looks matter but i dnt care if ya outfit is worth $900 or 2 pennies as long as you take gd care of your body...personality is a must but a diva(tool for a female trying to relate) attitude i can do without...and that something else is different for each person,something u may loathe about youself can be what makes some one else love u...well thats just my 21 year old theory

iamsouthside's photo
Mon 05/25/09 09:33 PM

WHAT THE **** DO WOMEN WANT??? no matter what it is,if you give em what they want... that will still not be what they want!!! we need some serious communication here

That was your mistake, giving them something they want. Women are a bottomless pit of wanting something. Just give them what you want too, and the hell with their wishes! If they play the pissy girl if you aren't acting like the genie from the bottle, show them the direction of the door. Don't worry, they'll be back. :banana:

iamsouthside's photo
Mon 05/25/09 09:21 PM
on special ocasions make up is expected..but in everyday life it just makes the ugly look ok and takes away from what makes a beautiful woman beautiful in the first place