Community > Posts By > oddment

no photo
Thu 09/03/15 09:34 PM

no photo
Thu 09/03/15 09:34 PM

no photo
Thu 09/03/15 09:33 PM
(Do proper names count?)



Fine then...


no photo
Thu 09/03/15 09:31 PM

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Thu 09/03/15 09:30 PM

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Thu 09/03/15 09:15 PM

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Thu 09/03/15 09:14 PM

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Thu 09/03/15 09:13 PM

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Thu 09/03/15 09:12 PM

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Thu 09/03/15 09:10 PM

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Thu 09/03/15 09:09 PM

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Thu 09/03/15 09:08 PM

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Thu 09/03/15 08:42 PM

If men are reading my profile, why do I get so many that are interesting in meeting that are 6' 2", 6' 4". My profile isn't even very long.

Maybe they're hoping to be an exception to the rule.

no photo
Thu 09/03/15 01:59 AM

just by the list of hardware I thought that was the case (why else have a kinect lol), then the software confirmed it.

have you seen the new samsung ssds? 16TBs

Yes, and I could use one too! (for backup/storage purposes) I just can't afford one right now. My 4+ tbs have been pretty much maxed-out for a while now. File sizes add up quickly when you're working with raw video out of After Effects; just one 3-minute clip can be several gbs. (Nevermind the incremental saving, animation project-files, and 3d Runtime content. Lol.) A friend of mine in Australia is using ssds and loves the increased speed she gets from them.

no photo
Thu 09/03/15 01:21 AM

Kinda hard to read the profiles whe msot of them are uninspiring, or have nothing written on them besodes the word "Hi."

Like seriously, ladies? Or should I say scammers?

We look at the pics and some of us more enlightened ones can actually tell a fake profile from a real one.
The difference?

So yeah the smarter ones like me are not buying your fake bulshit. The profile pics are cute, but we know thats not what you really look like if your profile is mostly empty.

But I do love laughing at the gullible ones who believe they're talking to a "real woman." That is hilarious, poor fellas. Tsk, tsk!

I must be a part-time scammer then, because when I decided to change my profile, I deleted my text and replaced it with the generic, "Hi." until I decided on how I wanted to rewrite things. (You better keep a close eye on me.)

Another good way to spot the foreign scammers is when their first sentence has so many grammatical errors that it's difficult to read. (so I guess we ought to keep a close eye on you, as well.)

I'm curious... does someone who enjoys laughing at gullible people really have a zen soul? I only ask because I am obviously neither smart, nor enlightened, having unwittingly responded to several messages from someone with a simple "Hi." profile, shortly after I first joined this site. I suppose I probably shouldn't have agreed to meet her publicly, at the local pizza place, either. It's a good thing I finally realized that we weren't looking for the same things, before she got away with anything more than just a calzone.

Yes, there are scammers everywhere, but a profile with an empty 'About Me' section is no more an indication of anything than is a profile without a picture. Some people are simply hesitant to post their personal data on the internet. And with so many arrogant, and judgermental people online, can you really blame them?

no photo
Wed 09/02/15 08:51 PM
As long as I'm not completely put-off by their picture(s), I will read the profile. If they have something funny or interesting to say, then I will read their profile, even if their picture does put-me-off. About 90% of the profiles here only say, "Hi." anyway, (lol) so in most cases, it doesn't take much effort.

no photo
Wed 09/02/15 06:57 PM
That did the trick. Thank you for your help.

no photo
Wed 09/02/15 06:52 PM
Hi. Would someone please show me the proper code to use for posting an image in a forum discussion here. My out-dated HTML seems to be failing me at the moment.

no photo
Wed 09/02/15 06:25 PM
Edited by oddment on Wed 09/02/15 06:56 PM

no photo
Wed 09/02/15 03:23 PM
Edited by oddment on Wed 09/02/15 03:33 PM
@ BuoyToy:
Likewise... I started with the original TRS-80. (Now known as the model-1, with 4k RAM, and cassette tapes for storage... ah, good times, good times. Lol.) We pre-ordered, and so, received ours 3 weeks before they were even delivered to the first stores for distribution.