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There won't be 50 special ops in syria its non sense talk all talk. Moscow n syria already reponded. Its against international law. Funny is usa saying oh we have "NEW" moderate rebels we want to train and arm. 50 usa troops in syria russia n syria have every legal right to take them out as invading trespassers. Just move to Russia so you can be with your man crush Putin. |
U need a source that's its against international law to invade a country with military troops??? You have to be invited. You mean like what Putin did with Ukraine? |
Like I said there won't be troops in syria its illegal act of agression send them iraq. Plenty of isis in iraq n libya.
DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — The United States' decision to send troops into Syria is an act of aggression because it does not have the government's agreement, a Syrian member of parliament said Saturday.Sharif Shehadeh told The Associated Press that the troops will have no effect on the ground, but that Washington wants to say it is present in Syria."What has happened to make America realize, after five years, that it should send between 30 and 50 military advisers?" asked Shehadeh,
When I read up on it. Read about Hamas being rich dudes living in Qatar. The missles these rich guys fire at israel. Nothing made sense. Those missles are harmless no explosives just big bottle rockets no range no one knows where they might land. Hmmm those things are not anexcuse to bomb the crap out of anyone. The more I read about Israel control over Gaza. Only thing I can believe israel is the responsible party being the occupier. Israel does an incredibly horrible job running the Gaza prison. Then Gaza has Abbas a wealthy president of a prison. What power does he have??? None no military no weapons the only thing he can do is whatever israel lets him do. The only solution I can think of is Israel purchases Gaza for a fair price set those people free.
The hope is that other countries will hold trials of their own and the guilty verdicts will mount up. This is not that outlandish an idea as Bush and Cheney have not only brazenly admitted they authorized torture in direct contravention of the Geneva Convention, but bragged about it. Nothing more helpful than having a criminal do all the heavy lifting for the prosecution. If enough of these verdicts are passed on to the international courts, they will have no choice but to hold a trial of their own. While Bush won’t be arrested on American soil, he’ll have a very difficult time leaving the country. Already he’s canceled a trip to Switzerland, due to possible charges of war crimes.
In what is the first ever conviction of its kind anywhere in the world, the former US President and seven key members of his administration were... found guilty of war crimes. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and their legal advisers Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, William Haynes, Jay Bybee and John Yoo were tried in absentia in Malaysia...At the end of the week-long hearing, the five-panel tribunal unanimously delivered guilty verdicts against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and their key legal advisors who were all convicted as war criminals for torture and cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment. Full transcripts of the charges, witness statements and other relevant material will now be sent to the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, as well as the United Nations and the Security Council.
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Sun 11/01/15 05:36 PM
He is a convicted war criminal. Doesn't leave the usa much. He seems proud of his conviction. Wow, I didn't know he was even tried let alone convicted at the CC. Oh wait, that's because he wasn't. |
He is a convicted war criminal. Doesn't leave the usa much. He seems proud of his conviction.
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Sun 11/01/15 04:20 PM
splitting Hair much? Do you always spout putinist Propaganda,or only on Sundays? ![]() putin is by far the most powerful man in the world. not watch him and what he is all about is foolish. 60% of the worlds countries are on russia side 2/3s of world population. Lets see if putin moves the tactical nuclear weapons into Syria. Syria will be cleaned out before christmas syrian Oil wil be off the black market. Russia also has pre fab housing for the refugees. 50 special ops to train n arm "new rebels" lol. Btw way BRIC bank is open for business. Another anti zion move Putin made. China is fast delevoping Brazil. usa israel europe australia going to get left behind. We lie we steal we kill. The world has awakened. Should have listened to Putin that man has put over half the world on his side talking common sense. We shall see. |
find it amazing how anyone decides which side has cause to feel how they feel in this situation imagine if all the countries of the UN got together and decided Mexicans should be able to 'return' to Nevada and all the current nevadans could be relocated to camps in Pahrump,, which would be under constant surveillance and whose citizens would be deemed as 'anti mexican' if they in any way revolted or fought the decision,,,,lol I doubt americans would be fond of that 'agreement' or the people who carried it out,,, |
Hate is not created in a vacumn. Did israel PM not just stand up and say it was a "muslim" that wanted the holocaust. Not hitler. Theres no doubt israel stirs the hate also. of course. hate begets hate... when the rest of the world shows so much hate towards Israel, they get tired of it... lots of people like you only see the returned hate, not the original hate that starts it.. |
Disagree West Bank n Gaza have every right to revolt. No american or israeli would live under those conditions!!!!! The world knows Hamas was all bull crap with bull crap bottle rockets. The West Bank n Gaza people have lost all hope for a decent life. Israel has lost world respect and they can blame themselves for that.
Nope ukraine didn't had a legal government to ask and there were no russian boots in ukraine geoegia a russian jet was shot down. Also those are not countries they are buffer states. Lets stick to the agreements. Chechenya war was a civil war against the jewish mafia warlords. The elected president of ukraine fled to russia to save his skin. While mccain n kerry were there to find a replacement government. One that would sign monstanto cargil agreement. Moscow simply isn't letting the usa pull crap on or around their country. Or where russia has legal contracts. Syria is a sovereign country with legit government. Ukraine was taken over by a western back coup. it it
Fighting the Jewish Mafia??? Keeping peace in border countries? Standing behind ukraine farmers not letting monsanto n cargill screw them into deeper poverty?? Fighting terrorists? Those are my guesses.
God and Science Merge
Facts 1900 maybe 20% scientists believed there was a GOD 2015 66% believe there is a GOD. Who am I to argue with all those PHDs 32, 000 phds signed petition Global warming was a $50billion scam. What are facts in a world u can only preceive 1% of reality??
U need a source that's its against international law to invade a country with military troops??? You have to be invited.
Yes zionists hate putin lol I admire putin striaght forward words n action. I don't care for the USA isis to rule the world. Moscow following the laws. Americans and Europeans not use to that.
Its not like that, it is bull crap statement. Only small percentage tourist there for sex. Philippine medical tourism growing doyble digits every year. Hugh growth in manila. Business oppertunitis galore. People like to focus on the bad if it is bad. Usa has las vegas which I would think las vegas beats manila in sex tourism. There are expats from all over the world living in the phils. Philippines fantastic vacation place.
There won't be 50 special ops in syria its non sense talk all talk. Moscow n syria already reponded. Its against international law. Funny is usa saying oh we have "NEW" moderate rebels we want to train and arm. 50 usa troops in syria russia n syria have every legal right to take them out as invading trespassers.