Community > Posts By > Barbiesbigsister
Hillary and Health Care
lissa I know just how you feel about being treated so badly by the health care providers and medicaid. My boy has autism/mildCP/multiple seizure disorders/adhd. IMAGINE the feud i have EVERY stinkin time i go to the doctors, specialists, pharmacys, etc. But HEY! i am a great big BIATCH for a mama and i DONT back down! He GETS what he NEEDS. Just because your on medicaid should NOT mean having to be treated LESS or with LESS that good health care.
First off i would have NOT murdered my exwife and friend. Then of course the "dream team" made a real JOKE of the judicial system so that murderer walked. NOW...NOW the JUICE busts into a hotel room with GUNS and there IS a recording of this. OH! I believe the good ol boys i just ADORED growing up knowing my streets and HOME were safe back HOME are handling this just right. HE IS A CRIMINAL. HE IS A ROBBER/MURDERER and I hope he gets the BIG SQUEEEEEEZE he should have seen when he MURDERED that poor woman and friend. Karmas gonna git em!!!!
we found womd fanta. Its just no one wants to BELIEVE the TRUTH.
gardenforge swing by and pick me up and we can BOTH go sign up for that WELFARE!!!
I sure am going to be grateful when the bush administration has ended. I am sooooooooooooooooooooo sick of seeing so much bashing re: the war in Iraq.
God bless all the men AND women serving in Iraq. |
You and me both lexfontane!!! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hillary and Health Care
irad8you I am now on traditional medicare A&B. They just LOOOOOVE seeing me coming! thats a guaranteed payment! BUT for the millions of americans with NO health insurance hearing this CRAP every time we have an election come up and then the ones voted into office not deliver? now thats just WRONG! BILLary knows too many are in dire need of health coverage and cant afford it. Using the car insurance is a cute idea but i also know many without the means for even basic insurance, plus what about the millions of illegals here already? No.....they will get the health care they need. Guarandammteed they will!
I am absolutely sick seeing this on tv. I hope karma comes back TEN FOLD on those animals. That woman is very lucky to be alive.
Hillary and Health Care
I am so tired of every election the topic of health care being promised then NEVER delivered. NO I am NOT impressed with BILLary.
Go Packers
could you hear me SCREAMING for my beloved FARVE and the PACKERS?!!! I bet you did!!!
Age limit...
dating a younger man is fine as long as i dont feel like i am needing to remove the training wheels!!!!
Big Guys?
All is fair...
bl8nt ROTFLMAO!!! girl you always make my day!!!
It boggles my mind how so many countries bash america yet when the CHIT really hits the fan or a MAJOR DISASTER strikes their countries....who they gonna call?? AMERICA OF COURSE!
complicated in wisconsin
Your a big boy. Your conduct could be considered sexual harrassment at work. Next time dont flirt with the coworkers.
War with Iran (scary!)
Hennnrey WTF dude?? Americans and their dirty tricks?? gimme a break!!!! its awful good timing on this Iran issue with american troops ready to LEAVE the region??!! the middle east has wanted us THERE fighting THEIR HOLY WAR. OK so decades later here we are. NOW WHAT?
Waving to you voileaz!! good to see you babydoll!!! |
Viewing in Firefox.
well...since you asked...heres the thing....
Firefox with your clients prettyverbatimsister?? They saw your BEAUTIFUL and S$XYSELF and simply feel over onto The floor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now ARENTCHA glad your little sister could clear up this issue for YOU bigsista?! |
You rock little mama!!! just like YOU with the feelings of hoping the other side would be decent with my boy and be a part of HIS life because to ME family means something. Instead they remained in the background. No xmas presents, birthdays, holidays or even calls with the multitude of surgerys he had to endure from being premature. I had to see a throat surgeon a few years back for laryngitis being constant. The doc told me he wanted me to travel to vanderbilt as he felt i had throat/voicebox cancer. OK so thats where i said ENOUGH. I called his grandma. I was not married to this man let me stress this his mother was always buting in, my job, bogus calls to cps and calling my boys specialists, docs, pharmacys, neighbors, my LANDLORDS, trying to get mY son so she would be able to play mommy again. She is one sick biatch., I let it go and called. Within 2 months i was in custody battle #3. lawyers here ar 3-5 grand CASH up front. I tried THREE times and in may i was back in front of the JUDGE being sued for custody. I am DONE. BE CAREFUL as I wish NOW I would have NEVER TRIED to reach out and keep family ties in place. My folks passed and i have no immediate REAL family here. I do know how you feel and i am always around if you need to talk, cry, scream or just a friend to be there.
Failed states index ...
out of 140 counties my county with the youngins school came in this year at 135. THATS REALLY BAD. The city counsel spent up ALOT of the education money on beeeeutifyin the town square, parks, on the commishs private ROAD to his home? My childs special ed teacher is out on maternity leave with the first baby. WHO is going to be in special ed this year for him since the autism is a disability? NO ONE. Now barbie here aint no DUMMY. my boys entitled to a free appropriate edumeeecashun just like the illegal youngins. trying to register him in KINDERGARTEN that principle bodily threw me off the school property. I lawyered up in five minutes and my boy was in school the next morning. So i was NOT amused at that big IEP meeting in may for this upcoming year. His grades have PLUMETED from straight A's to F's. He can handle about TWO hours in a normal class setting. NOT ALL DAY. So after nasty remarks from the teacher AND this principle i finally got my panties in a bunch last week and threatened a federal greeting via a lawsuit as my boy IS SPECIAL ED and its NOT his fault these schiesters have spent up the funds for a TEACHER for his classroom. ITS THAT BAD here and i am hearing in every state its bad or getting worse. WHERE are the FEDERAL FUNDS FOR EDUCATION GOING?? NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND? YEAH? what is this trainwreck i just got thrown in the last FOUR WEEKS of school. the iep meeting was of course handled over the phone one HOUR prior to the meet and i WAS cheerfully informed my son WILL be back in his normal special ed class monday morning. Society and even the schools treat special children like "just go away...your disposable so lets throw you in a home and FORGET YOU"...yeah? WHEN PIGS FLY!
GO PACKERS!! hi shugar!!!