Community > Posts By > singleanconfused
Brothers update 2
I know i said this before in the other post,but i am sincere in saying
thank you very much,yall beenmy rock during this storm |
Brothers update 2
Well went to the hospital for a little bit and actualy got to talk to a
doctore from neurosurgery?, and they dont plan on doing any operation on my brother they say he is not bleeding any more and that the swelling seem to be receeding,, |
do unto others
A man walks into a bar and orders a beer. The barman charges him 15 cents. Confusedbut not complainingthe man pays. After a while he decides to have anotherand some foodso he orders another beer and a steak. The barman charges him 50 cents15 for the beer and 35 for the food. After finishing his food and drinkhe calls the barman over and saysMate, that was the best steak I've ever had. I want to talk to the manager and thank him. "No problem says the barman. He's upstairs with my wife." "What's he doing upstairs with your wife?" asks the man. "Probably the same thing I'm doing to his business down here!" |
my photos
IF you still have them in email format,,just create a file on your
computer, and save the pics there, then go to your account and edit your photo, then click on browse and then click on the pic you wan to upload, and there your pics should be there |
Kids now days
I got to thinking, today's kids have no ideal what life was like without
a remote control, what a telephone party line is, making do with out central heat and air? |
Brain of an Idiot...
I was told I had 2 brains, one's lost the other out looking for it
update on brother
Thanks again for all the heartfelt prayers and people keeping my brother
in mind, they did another cat scan this morning and no new bleeding right now they are keeping an eye on the clot that is formed, and give him a couple days to see if it will go down on its own??(never heard of that) if not then they will have do surgery, but even so they say he has a long road to recovery and even if he comes out seeming fine, there might be dmg that won't show up for a long time?? Any ways I realy apreciate ya'll |
Bad news
I have no ideal what to say but thank you, i just got off the phone with
my mom and she says that they said that some of his chemicals and elecolytes?? not sure are returning to normal and that she realy ddint understand what the doctor said about the ct scan so i am going to head up and spend some time with him,,,But I am proud to call myself a member or this community and THANK YOU |
Bad news
I got a phone call at 4:30 this morning and found out my brothers in a
coma, he has a blood clot in his brain so i might not be on that much ,,not that alot of people know me,,but i will try and stay in touch |
sick but funny game
Run Penis, Run Deep,,(run silent, run deep. WWII submarine movie)
Children are our future?
LAMOM I don't think there could be anything else to add to that
So whats a guy got to do
So whats a guy got to do
Hmmm no i dont just click and search for my matches, i actualy responded
to a few post and even posted a couple of things, |
So whats a guy got to do
So whats a guy got to do to make friends on here?
Just saying hi
So how is everyone today,,dreading going back to work, and my ride is
late typical Monday morning,so i probbably going to get yelled at by boss |
Cat Crap Coffee
And another reason not to drink coffee
That depends on the couple,,i been in relations where we pooled the
money in one account and one of us paid the bills, |
coffee anyone?
G'morning yall, how is everyone,,usualy i dont drink coffee but could
use some this mornin |
coffee anyone?
Good morning everyone,where the aspirin, and someone hid the tquila
Pepee Le'Pew,,the skunk always chasing a new love every weekend