I seemed to be damned no matter if I do or don't! LOL
Just seems to me if you are so into someone after only a week, you would want to see how it turns out instead of looking for other people to date. Not whole commitment one O one, but just taking the time to know each other without worrying about other people in the mix. We REALLY have hit it off or I wouldn't be posting this question!!!!!
He has told me about pretty much every one he has talked to online so I have to agree with Melody again. He told me he was scared to death to get involved again so quick and I get that. Just don't know how much time he needs before it becomes more that what he told me! I need to slow down too, but damn, we have so much in common its weird almost!!!
MelodyGirl that is what I need to hear. Thank you.. its been so long since I felt this way about someone - especially so damn fast that I'm scared to death. He is really a special person and I don't want to screw it up with jealousy and other crap!
i've told him how I feel about it and we have been totally open about it. I just don't know whether to believe it or not being the leery person that I am having been in the dating pool for 7 years now!
I've seen "he's just not that into you" and read the book. I think if he wasn't that into me he wouldn't want to see me every single day - him calling and asking, not me. |
I told him I would give him some time - he just broke up with someone a few days before we met so i understand that. But I also told him I wouldn't wait very long. If he can't see what I see between us, then he's got his head up his a$$!
I don't think he wants to break it off. We just played golf today and have plans to do more things together. He talks all the time about doing things together. Even taking golf lessons which isn't a short term thing!
This is the second guy I've met that has said this. I broke it off with the first one because I couldn't stand the thought of him "sleeping" with other people if we got intimate! |
I met a man only a week ago and sparks flew. We have tons in common and he even told me, he could see falling in love with me. I feel the same. We have seen each other almost every day and find more in common with each conversation. Chemistry is awesome.
Now the kicker. He tells me he has jumped from one relationship to the other (as have I) and he just wants to date other people too. But he thinks we have something special and he just needs his space for now. Please, help me sort through the emotional B.S. I'm going through and tell me (especially you men) what I should do. I'm not one to just "date" people. I like one on one to get to know that person and I told him that. I also told him I don't understand how he can have feelings for me and want to see others. (BTW, he is 10 years older than me.) Am I an idiot for believing him? Do 54 year olds still play games???? LOL stupid question, huh? |
If they can't hold an online conversation, just imagine being in person with them. awkward 10 minute pause.............................................................................................................................................................................................................uh.....................................................................LOL
Well, then they aren't the love of your life as I have discovered myself a year ago..... worst time in my life.
Not sure I get mutual match either. They send me emails telling me someone wants to meet me on mutual match, but they won't tell you who! I've got three on my list but none have sent me any emails and I've emailed one in town who hasn't responded to that either! arrrrggghhh! LOL
Tracker, I just IMed you - did it work?
Not sure about the mail, but your IM may be turned off. Check your settings.
What are you craving
Edited by
Sat 06/13/09 08:23 PM
Big strong arms wrapped around me as we sleep.
I think my switch is broken....
![]() |
Hey at least some of you are getting mutual matches, I'm starting to think mine is broken. ![]() ![]() Maybe its the suit of armor shielding you from impending matches! LOL |
No. Just been around awhile. Had a 3 year relationship from online, then a 2 year, then a 3 month and now maybe a 2 week? Still working on the latest one.(fingers and toes crossed!!!! - he's a great guy - just the long distance thing.... AGAIN) Gets tiring trying to find someone, you know. I really want to share my life with someone special. I know what I want but I'm getting to the point that I can't stand anymore jerks trying to get in my pants by telling me they want a LTR and want to "find someone to be their soulmate". OMG, I've turned into one of those bitter old maids! LOL HELP ME!!!!!
So many I take meds to reduce them.... LOL
((just want to say :hello))
Are you an alien? COOL!
Start talking and spilling the secrets D&W!!!!