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Atheism and Suicide
atheists don`t have to fear eternal damnation for ending their life when they see fit,,,,,might be a factor And if you follow Christian dogma that a soul is created at conception, 10% of the future inhabitants of heaven will be unborn embryoes. Because that's how many pregnancies Mother Nature herself spontaneously aborts. -Kerry O. I thought it was closer to 75% of fertilized eggs... |
A new dark ages?
Personally, I have absolutely no wish to survive when society collapses permanantly.
i got a piece like jesus
I love the responses here. The OP is like a Rorschach test. There's another slang use of "piece", applied to women. lol..indeed. |
Are you sure?
i often wonder, how can an atheist be so sure that there is no god, that they are willing to jeopardize eternity for a mere 70-100 years of life. its kinda funny because you can be certain that there is a God if you truly know him, but you can never really be certain that there is not if you dont know him. How can you believe a just god would allow your eternity be deceided on a mere 70-100 years of life? What possible finite deed or series of deeds would merit either an infinity of punishment or reward? |
Atheism and Suicide
People are either going to be naturally drawn to spirituality or they aren't. Attempting to draw people toward spirituality using negative statistics would be a very poor means of inspiration anyway. Clearly this was brought up by a Christian as an 'offensive tactic' against what is perceived to be an attack against religion or spirituality in general. It's just another face of proselytism. "If you can't convert them, pronounce 'em crazy." I had this happen so much in my family. Funny thing is, the ones that have the most emotional problems are the ones who espouse this theory most vigorously. I'm quite sure a relgious conversion has indeed cured many a drunk. On the other hand, getting away from Fundamentalist family members who drilled fire and brimstone into my young mind with unrelenting precision did wonders for MY mental hygiene. The most peaceful thing about the whole ordeal is that after puzzling it over for a lot of years, I realized that had no clue what they were doing. Since there was no malice involved, it makes it a lot easier to just detach and assume a Live and Let Live posture. But I'm not convinced that Fundamentalists don't see malice in Unbelievers. And that's why I think they act they way they do towards them sometimes. -Kerry O. Of course they see malice in anyone who doesn't think like they do. For one thing, it shows that it's POSSIBLE to think differently which is something they don't even want to consider. And the really insecure ones are afraid "thinking differently" will spread like a disease if not nipped in the bud, so to speak, by any means necessary. |
you are lucky she didn't get a lawyer and try to say that you lent her the money expecting a "favor" and when she didn't cooperate you fired her. be glad she is only resorting to shooting a goosey. She'd have a hard time selling that to a jury considering any spare time I have I spend w/ my g/f. Not to mention, I can prove theft was occuring. And the money I lent her in the first place, she was paying back out of her payhcheck at $50/wk. She got that debt down to about $1200. Shooting a goosey? Never heard that particular term before. |
Homosexuality is a choice because if we really born that way we would people would be born 50% straight and 50% gay.There is also millions of people around the world who were gay,was saved through the church and are no longer gay anymore.It is a choice because we both know it is not like someone is going to take control over you body and force you to have sex with another man.You may have temptations like anyone else but you don't have to act on those temptations.It is also stupid to say we are born that way because if we really believe that then we would be saying that God is endorsing and giving us the very thing he warned us no to do.God does not put sin and homosexuality into a new born baby.It is ridiculous to think that. Ignorance is just your stock-in-trade, isn't it. If I wanted to debate with someone who just sits back and takes cheap shots I would start debating with the Junior high school debate club.You want to debate start acting like a adult.Your whining blah,blah,blah Thomas says this,Thomas is a moron,BS is totally useless to myself and anyone else here looking to have a civil debate.I've been insulted by people ten times the man you could ever be so don't think anything you can ever say is something I would take seriously. "You even called me stupid in your verse, and I’m almost agreeing, for where stupidity is involved, you are quite an expert, friend." -Franz Grillparzer oooo you so put me in my place. I'm so chagrined. ![]() Why would I want another frustrating debate with someone who knows nothing about the subject, has no logic or reasoning skills, and is obviously a bigot? Among other unsavory things. |
The Top Ten Atheist Myths.
about Hitler: In public statements, especially at the beginning of his rule, Hitler frequently spoke positively about the Christian heritage of German culture, and his belief in the "Aryan" Christ. In a proclamation to the German Nation February 1, 1933 Hitler stated, "The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and co-operation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life."[7] Hitler's reaction to atheism Hitler often associated atheism with Germany's communist enemy.[53] Hitler stated in a speech to the Stuttgart February 15, 1933: "Today they say that Christianity is in danger, that the Catholic faith is threatened. My reply to them is: for the time being, Christians and not international atheists are now standing at Germany’s fore. I am not merely talking about Christianity; I confess that I will never ally myself with the parties which aim to destroy Christianity. Fourteen years they have gone arm in arm with atheism. At no time was greater damage ever done to Christianity than in those years when the Christian parties ruled side by side with those who denied the very existence of God. Germany's entire cultural life was shattered and contaminated in this period. It shall be our task to burn out these manifestations of degeneracy in literature, theater, schools, and the press—that is, in our entire culture—and to eliminate the poison which has been permeating every facet of our lives for these past fourteen years."[54] In a speech delivered in Berlin, October 24, 1933, Hitler stated: "We were convinced that the people needs and requires this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out."[55] In a radio address October 14, 1933 Hitler stated "For eight months we have been waging a heroic battle against the Communist threat to our Volk, the decomposition of our culture, the subversion of our art, and the poisoning of our public morality. We have put an end to denial of God and abuse of religion. We owe Providence humble gratitude for not allowing us to lose our battle against the misery of unemployment and for the salvation of the German peasant."[56] In a speech delivered at Koblenz, August 26, 1934 Hitler states: "There may have been a time when even parties founded on the ecclesiastical basis were a necessity. At that time Liberalism was opposed to the Church, while Marxism was anti-religious. But that time is past. National Socialism neither opposes the Church nor is it anti-religious, but on the contrary, it stands on the ground of a real Christianity. The Church's interests cannot fail to coincide with ours alike in our fight against the symptoms of degeneracy in the world of to-day, in our fight against the Bolshevist culture, against an atheistic movement, against criminality, and in our struggle for the consciousness of a community in our national life, for the conquest of hatred and disunion between the classes, for the conquest of civil war and unrest, of strife and discord. These are not anti-Christian, these are Christian principles."[57] During negotiations leading to the Nazi-Vatican Concordat of April 26, 1933 Hitler argued that "Secular schools can never be tolerated because such schools have no religious instruction, and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith."[58] ![]() |
Homosexuality is a choice because if we really born that way we would people would be born 50% straight and 50% gay.There is also millions of people around the world who were gay,was saved through the church and are no longer gay anymore.It is a choice because we both know it is not like someone is going to take control over you body and force you to have sex with another man.You may have temptations like anyone else but you don't have to act on those temptations.It is also stupid to say we are born that way because if we really believe that then we would be saying that God is endorsing and giving us the very thing he warned us no to do.God does not put sin and homosexuality into a new born baby.It is ridiculous to think that. Ignorance is just your stock-in-trade, isn't it. |
God and Jesus DO NOT love you regardless of what you are doing wrong.I do not know where Christians and the rest of the world are reading these verses that God and Jesus love you no matter who you are.It is a flat out lie.If there is such a verse that God and Jesus loves unrepentant and unholy sinners I would love to read about it. "I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance." - Luke 5:32 If Jesus didn't love the unrepentant sinners, why would he have chosen to die on the cross for them? Thomas, does someone berating you make you want to please them? Does it make you want to do what they are saying? Our job as Christians is to introduce the world to Jesus and the allow Jesus to work in their heart. Homosexuals have committed suicide because they can't change and they want to be like everyone else. If homosexuality were a choice, would they express such pain and self hate to their friends, families and diaries? If anyone could change them or help them to become happy with who they are, it would be Jesus. I recognize that you are trying to do the Lord's work and I respect you for that. What I am telling you is that I feel that a gentle approach should be made towards people, so that they will accept Jesus. A harsh rebuking approach will just drive them away, it's how humans work. "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves." Are you being a sheep? Shrewd as a serpent? As innocent as a dove? Forgive him lord, for he knows not what the hell he's talking about. Most homosexuals do NOT have feelings of self-loathing. The ones that do can trace it back to religion and the predjudice of other people. Like you. |
none are without sin, so to hate sinners is to hate everyone,,hardly christlike we are to hate sin, but not people who sin,, there is a difference I think you fail to realize what it means to confess and repent of your sins and what it means to live a sinful unrepentant life.Everyone sins Ms Harmony but the majority of good Christians don't keep doing what God and Jesus both demanded them not to do.If you are going to keep rebelling,keep disobeying,and keep leading a ungodly and unholy life then what is the purpose of calling yourself a Christian?Both God and Jesus warned us that if you are going to disobey Gods word and live a unholy life they didn't want anything to do with you.The bible warns that Atheist will look better in God's eyes then a Christian who knows he or she is doing wrong and keeps doing it. Christ never defended sinful people.He rejected them.Christ never accepted sin.You will not find a single verse where Christ tells people we are to hate sin and ignore the person who is commiting sin. Christ holds accountable sinners for their sins. Christ holds accountable sinners for their actions. Christ rejects unrepentant sinners. So this stupid idea of "hate the sin but love the sinner"is totally stupid.Christ didn't love unrepentant sinners.If he did he would let anyone do what ever they wanted because he wouldn't care.Yet Jesus warned us about sin and unrepentant sinners every time he talked. The Christ way is to follow the example of what Christ taught and spoke about. 1.Explain to people what is good and evil. 2.If you are sinning turn away from sin and repent. 3.If people do not want to repent,and if people want to continue leading sinful unrepentant lives we are to warn them what they are doing is wrong and if they won't listen to avoid them. What we do not do is accept and embrace sin including the person who is doing it. When you were a kid, did you want to grow up to be the hateful christian stereotype? |
To blame religion and christianity for suicides, etc related to LGBT individuals is rediculous. If someone goes and shoots someone that pissed them off because someone else made them mad, whos going to be blamed for the shooting? Its not the person who ticked the shooter off but the actual one pulling the trigger. When I make mistakes I have to own up to them because of something I DID, not someone else. Whoever said on here that we are given free will, well, you are correct. Yes, we are given free will. We are given the free will to live anyway we like to do so, but are we willing to pay the consequences rendered for our actions without trying to blame someone else? There are bad seeds in every church wanting to look and play the part-I know, Ive had to deal with them myself, in my own church. BUT there are wonderful people in them as well who would do anything for anyone. Those bad seeds, however, are the ones that make the church look bad, the ones who want to SHOVE RELIGION down peoples throats. My gay cousin has had this happen to him and his partner. It's about having a relationship with God and loving others as Christ loved the church. If those that truly show what God's love means then they would be showing it in a different way, or perhaps this is how they were taught to do so-not always a great excuse, but it does happen on occasion. The Bible DOES say there are particular things that will not get you to heaven and it is clear about this. It's not in grey, but in plain black and white (ok and sometimes red too lol) for people to understand without having to ask questions due to misinterpretation. It's not just about being "good" people. It's living your life as close as possible to the way Christ lead his own. If youre going to bash the Bible, at least get your crap right before spouting off in a forum. geeze...have you ever heard of the term "paragraph"? |
a friend that i had known all of my life started telling people where he worked that i was a worthless sob. i stuck up for this guy for years because he has a chemical imbalance in his brain.any time some one would say i shouldn't trust him or that he was crazy,i'd stick up for him and just tell them "you don't know him like i do" and he started talking about me behind my back just because i went deer hunting and shot a deer on land that only i was allowed on it's one reason i quit making friends That is wise. And sad. |
Small Update:
She saw another employee of mine driving and flipped him off. Like it was his fault she was fired for stealing. She obviously feels no shame. How does someone like that get that way? |
Jury Duty
I have Jury Duty at 8am on the 1st of November. So much for my Halloween... How much trouble do you think I'll get in if I show up wearing judge's robes? I could explain that I just got out of a Halloween party and didn't have time to change my costume. The summons stipulated that appropriate dress is required. How can they say I can't wear robes if all THOSE people over there are wearing them? How fast do you think I can get a contempt of court charge? ![]() Lol. I think it'd be hilarious if you showed up in robes, but I don't think the judge and court people would think it's too funny. After that being said, I think you should just wear the appropriate attire. :) On another note, I think it'd be quite fascinating to be called to jury duty. Now that I've said that, it'll probably never happen. My grandma is in her 80's and has never been called to jury duty. I've been called 2 1/2 times. The first time I ended up getting a letter the afternoon before the morning I was supposed to show up saying 'never mind'. The second time I was called I was late and they sent me home and said they'll reschedule me. I got a 'new date' in the mail a month(ish) later. That same day I got a different letter (with about a zillion typing errors) saying that they never want to see me again! I'm not quite sure what to make of that, but I never went to that third date and they haven't arrested me yet. ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm not at all surprised. I sent an email to the jury clerk asking if they had something in a night court I could attend instead. Also, since the letter states I should be prepared for airport type security(ok so I won't bring any shampoo bottles), I wanted to know what were the rules for laptops ect. The email I got in return answered none of those questions and was so badly written (and spelled) I want to send another that says something like "Very funny kid. Now let your mother answer will ya?" |
Jury Duty
I have Jury Duty at 8am on the 1st of November. So much for my Halloween... How much trouble do you think I'll get in if I show up wearing judge's robes? I could explain that I just got out of a Halloween party and didn't have time to change my costume. The summons stipulated that appropriate dress is required. How can they say I can't wear robes if all THOSE people over there are wearing them? How fast do you think I can get a contempt of court charge? ![]() Lol. I think it'd be hilarious if you showed up in robes, but I don't think the judge and court people would think it's too funny. After that being said, I think you should just wear the appropriate attire. :) On another note, I think it'd be quite fascinating to be called to jury duty. Now that I've said that, it'll probably never happen. My grandma is in her 80's and has never been called to jury duty. I think it's an honor and a duty and I'd be quite happy to do it....except it's at 8 bloody am the day after Hallo bloody ween. If they said "eh...come in around noonish" I'd have no problem. |
Jury Duty
I don't think you'd get into any trouble. At worst, probably they'd tell you to go home and they'll reschedule you for another date (then still send you home). Although I'd like to see somebody try dressing as the Reaper or an executioner, they usually have an issue with people wearing hoods. You could just try wearing a dress. Just make sure it's not an evening dress. That wouldn't be proper. ![]() |
Jury Duty
Better yet go as an Executioner with the Black hood on! also a good choice...with a little rope noose to complete the effect.. |
Jury Duty
You could always go as the Grim Reaper they would surely dismiss you quickly.... ![]() ![]() ![]() interesting idea...I do have that costume already... |
Jury Duty
I have Jury Duty at 8am on the 1st of November. So much for my Halloween...
How much trouble do you think I'll get in if I show up wearing judge's robes? I could explain that I just got out of a Halloween party and didn't have time to change my costume. The summons stipulated that appropriate dress is required. How can they say I can't wear robes if all THOSE people over there are wearing them? How fast do you think I can get a contempt of court charge? ![]() |