Community > Posts By > Victim_Of_Love

Victim_Of_Love's photo
Fri 06/05/15 11:30 PM
I appreciate everyone's thoughts and input. I opted not to go. The people that I'd want to see or talk to, I already do via phone / text / Facebook. All the rest, I really couldn't care less about. Plus, someone wasn't so smart on the committee, and they're having the reunion Father's Day weekend. Not to mention, the "huge" event they are doing is a cruise around one of the larger lakes in the area. Sounds fine and dandy, but I'm not about to be trapped on a boat with a bunch of people that I don't like who have access to alcohol. I just might be tempted to shove them off the boat. And last time I checked, that's frowned upon (why I don't know) ;)

Victim_Of_Love's photo
Sun 05/31/15 09:19 PM
I have a feeling that it's going to be just as it was in high school. We had a fairly large class (over 400), and there's maybe 2 dozen that I really care about, and that might be pushing it. They have events going for an entire weekend, and I might make an appearance at one of the low key ones, but I'm starting to think that if I don't go, I won't be missing much.

Shame that most of the people don't change or grow up in 10 years.

Victim_Of_Love's photo
Sun 05/31/15 07:33 PM
In a couple of weeks, my 10 year HS reunion is coming up. I'm torn as to whether or not I should go. High school was 'clique-ish', as it always is. The people that I'd go to see or talk to, I more than likely already talk to or see. Everyone else, I really don't care about.

If you went, are you glad that you did? Was it still like it was in high school?

If you didn't go, do you regret it?


Victim_Of_Love's photo
Tue 05/26/15 08:00 PM
Spokane here :)

Victim_Of_Love's photo
Mon 05/25/15 10:23 PM

I guess depending on who you ask depends on if it's considered a mountain or a hill. I live on the east side of the state, so that's considered a mountain in my opinion :D

I lived in Sumner and when heading north to Seattle I was told it was a hill. I don't know, nor really care. It was a beautiful sight either way.

Camping on Mt. Rainier in the summer made for more amazing views.

I can imagine that camping over there was stunning to say the least.

Victim_Of_Love's photo
Mon 05/25/15 10:07 PM
I guess depending on who you ask depends on if it's considered a mountain or a hill. I live on the east side of the state, so that's considered a mountain in my opinion :D

Victim_Of_Love's photo
Mon 05/25/15 09:50 PM

I would rather live here. I spent a few years there as a kid and always considered it home.

And this is why I love living in Washington - the scenery is gorgeous :)

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