Community > Posts By > marie930

marie930's photo
Wed 03/16/16 10:30 PM

its's my 9th year here on mingle2 formerly justsayhi and haven't met anyone :D :D

Hi marie930, waving

I'd like to say be patient, but after 9 years I think it's time to be more pro-active...

May the force be with you, Marie.
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Thanks :D
rofl rofl

marie930's photo
Wed 03/16/16 03:08 AM

Wow, 9 yrs. Your a loyal trooper. flowers

1 yr & 6 days for me (2nd profile).
I didn't meet anyone either.
I only date locally. Like the deli guy blushing

But enough about me.. :laughing:

yeah and im waiting for a loyalty award from mingle2 ahahahha

well i am also hoping that i can find a friend here..

I will be sure to tell the big guy upstairs :angel: ' Don't forget Marie'

ahahha thanks :Drofl

marie930's photo
Wed 03/16/16 02:35 AM

Wow, 9 yrs. Your a loyal trooper. flowers

1 yr & 6 days for me (2nd profile).
I didn't meet anyone either.
I only date locally. Like the deli guy blushing

But enough about me.. :laughing:

yeah and im waiting for a loyalty award from mingle2 ahahahha

well i am also hoping that i can find a friend here..

marie930's photo
Wed 03/16/16 02:22 AM

its's my 9th year here on mingle2 formerly justsayhi and haven't met anyone :D :D

marie930's photo
Wed 03/16/16 02:20 AM

Brokenheartsville, duhh!!

Exact address please ..ahaha

marie930's photo
Wed 03/16/16 01:39 AM

i am also wondering where do they go. can anyone tell me :)


to where? :D

marie930's photo
Wed 03/16/16 01:36 AM

"Where do really broken hearts go?"

i am also wondering where do they go. can anyone tell me :)

They go to the forums of Mingle2.

The ones belonging to women are welcome to go to my place. :tongue:

marie930, I am sending you something through the Internet.

Thanks :) :)

marie930's photo
Tue 03/15/16 08:59 PM

No no they go to recycling centre and you'll have to buy a new one. Lol


When i buy a new one. I have to start all over again...ahahha

marie930's photo
Tue 03/15/16 08:56 PM

Where do really broken hearts go?

They are returned to the factory.

When they get all the fear out of it,
they return it to you.

aha so i just need to look for the factory of my heart.i wish it is still in business..hmmm i think i need the help of mr. goggle here ahehe..

Thanks for the info ms. soufie :)

marie930's photo
Tue 03/15/16 08:43 PM
i am also wondering where do they go. can anyone tell me :)

marie930's photo
Mon 11/23/15 02:29 AM
ahahaha :D :D

marie930's photo
Fri 11/20/15 11:14 PM
some people always ask me this :

what do you do for a living?

if i say im working...
they would definitely answer me : "oh your busy and you have no time for me... "

if i say im still studying or still looking for work....
they would answer me like this : "oh so your looking for someone to hook up..b**** , sca****...

well reality bites

we cant please anybody..

and it makes me laugh..

marie930's photo
Tue 11/17/15 02:20 AM
prayers sent flowerforyou

marie930's photo
Sun 11/15/15 11:34 PM
is it really matter?

marie930's photo
Mon 05/18/15 05:49 PM
i haven't met anyone here...


marie930's photo
Mon 03/04/13 07:07 AM


thanks :wink: :smile: :wink: :wink: :wink:

marie930's photo
Sun 03/03/13 11:37 PM

thanks :) :) :)

marie930's photo
Sun 03/03/13 09:48 PM
i am 6 years now in mingle2 (formerly justsayhi)....toinks

happy 6th years for me :) :)

marie930's photo
Tue 02/26/13 10:45 PM
:wink: doing fine :)

marie930's photo
Fri 09/28/12 11:49 PM
Thank you, God, for giving me another year of life.
Thank you for all the people who remembered me
by sending cards, and letters, gifts and good wishes.

Thank you for all the experience of this past year;
for times of success which will always be happy memories,
for times of failure which reminded me of my own weakness and of my need for you,
for times of joy when the sun was shining,
for times of sadness which drove me to you.

Forgive me
for the hours I wasted,
for the chances I failed to take,
for the opportunities I missed this past year.
Help me in the days ahead to make this the best year yet,
and through it to bring good credit to myself,
happiness and pride to my loved ones,
and joy to you. Amen.