Community > Posts By > rproman

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Fri 05/18/07 08:47 AM
There is one true God, the God of Abraham. No, we will always be
affected by him for all eternity.

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Sat 05/12/07 04:10 AM
Yes,the bible

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Sat 05/12/07 03:32 AM
LOL speaking of egos wow!! God's in charge PERIOD

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Sat 05/12/07 03:00 AM
Oh yeah, I mean this in a caring way. Try not to be anagnostic, try to
believe, or not beleve. The word "agnostic" is derived from the greek
word Ignoramous,to be "ignorant".Please,this is true and i'm just trying
to shed light.

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Sat 05/12/07 02:56 AM
Yes,There is his purpose and will for all, and then there's his will and
purpose for you personally. The general will and purpose is found in the
Ten commandments. These ten commandments are found in prioritized order
read them and you'll see his first priority.

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Tue 05/08/07 07:08 AM
Yes dear, it seems it was happening yesterday also

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Tue 05/08/07 07:06 AM
My keys stick awful!!

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Tue 05/08/07 07:03 AM
Though i respect all views, we can all agree that we can disagree and
coexist,The Lord is not obsessed with sin, he is obsessed with removing
it so that he can have that lost relationship with us that was lost in
the garden. Before anyone starts shouting about how christians have done
so much evil andkilled so many, let me remind you that if you took all
of the wars considered for chritian crusading nd combined all the
killing, you would coe up with an approximate 30,000 killed. Let's revie
what an atheistic government or power has done to people(killed)
Communist Mao tsidung killed 70 million of his own people!! why? without
a belief in God, there is no true vale of hman life except for personal
and poitical gain. Inrespone to what would Jesus do bracelets, it is
taught friend,in the ible andin churches all over the world.

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Tue 05/08/07 06:50 AM
Oh yeah, for the people who think that the bible is just a fairy tale,
there are over 3000 prophecys that have been fulfilled and all were 100
percent accurate.Then there's the scientific community that has used the
bible itself totry and disprove it. They fail every time. Onething that
many people aren't aware of is te first astronut that walked on the moon
was terrifiedto step out because, if evelution was accurate, thedust on
the moon would be calculated to be seven miles deep!! so he stepped out,
took measurements,brought the depth back to the scientist and guess
what? the deth fitsthe creation, not evolution time frame.Where did i
hear this? From Mr.Arstrong himself in a live interview.

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Tue 05/08/07 06:44 AM
The sacrifice was perfect obedience to his father's command. Do you
really think he wanted to die? Also,even pontius pilate found him to be
innocent. The scriptures also say that there wa no sin found in him.

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Mon 05/07/07 06:37 AM
Either way, it made me laughlaugh laugh

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Mon 05/07/07 06:13 AM
LOL I must have been mistaken

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Mon 05/07/07 06:08 AM
WRONG!!! LOL I'm from Maine, so here's your post haha

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Mon 05/07/07 05:59 AM
Amen sister!!

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Mon 05/07/07 05:58 AM
But, you might want to take the monkey face off LOL

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Mon 05/07/07 05:57 AM
Yup she's right, she's got the pretty face and more LOL

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Mon 05/07/07 05:53 AM
It sounds to me like you're getting a it frustrated,don't be. The girls
are right,i look at many profiles, i've even looked at theirs LOL it's
just looks,and profile info or criteria that you've put into it. For
example, i'm a smoker, so how many people who are non smokers would be
interestein hooking up with a smoker? Don't give up.

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Sat 04/21/07 09:25 AM

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Sat 03/10/07 04:10 AM
P.S. Church is exactly where sinners need to be,and Christians don't
stop sinning and neither does anyone else. It's just a Christian's duty
to TRY and SIN LESS. No Christian is perfect,Just forgiven.
In Christ,Rick

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Sat 03/10/07 04:06 AM
Standing in church doesn't make you a Christian. Gathering together IN
CHURCH with other Christians and hearing his word in your ears and
soul,that makes you a Christian.

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