Community > Posts By > SoulMate36

SoulMate36's photo
Thu 03/26/09 08:29 PM

why is it so hard to find a nice woman.i'm not sayin all are bad but dang it seems like when i meet someone they start out cool then make a 360 change.i'm not the kinda guy that judges a woman on her looks cause i know i'm not the hottest guy onthe planet.i'm not a thug or anything like that.i guess i'm old fashion kinda guy.i have tryed lookin for love on 2 other site and there are eaither married or party girls or porn i'm on here with the same thing no luck.

my apologies to you my friend, didnt mean to hi-jack your thread...

SoulMate36's photo
Thu 03/26/09 08:24 PM

Wow SoulMate - that reads like you got burned hard, or know someone who did.

oh no sweetie, not me, lol..i know many others who have...i just sit back, learn and take peoples life experience is a powerful key.....

my situation i got off lucky...thank god for law school, i found loop holes to keep everything i worked hard for all my life,

It just read rather......bitter. Not being a biatch, lol, just how I read it. I know there are predatory women out there, just like there are jacka$$ men, but not all of them are like that.

Have I made mistakes in the past and gone for the "bad boy" that I thought I could fix? Yup, I did. I also made mistakes with people that I thought I wanted to be with, primarily because I was so busy trying to be what others wanted that I forgot what *I* wanted. I always tried to be honest with people though, and explain what was going on. I hate hurting people, because I know how it feels. I know that it probably made me look bad in their eyes, but all I could do was make the best decision with the information/knowledge I had at the time.

So, I hope you don't think all women are either intentionally like that or enjoy the "power", because we're not all like that :)

oh heavens no....far from bitter hun, its called being more aware of the surroundings,.. i regret past life was all a great experience, what didnt kill me only made me stronger..(a familair term we have all heard more than once) i just thank the heavens god gave me a good head on my shoulders and think things out before i get shafted...

in not so many words, i now walk around S*it, not step in

the more and more i dated, the more i learn about what i dont want..
again as i have said before, the world has become a very selfish place...and i never really thought about what i really wanted before, but now i think about it often, since everyone else can be selfish its time i become alittle selfish myself as well...and i cant nor will i settle for anything more or less of what im looking for......

today with many relationships, the minute someone breaks wind in the wrong direction, they call it quits immediately...comminication doesnt apply anymore i guess? almost like people dig to try and find a reason to get out of something they arent really sure of...

honesty is sometimes the best policy, however sometimes it can bite ya in the tushy, it can also hurt you or someone in return... but it should only be applied as a lesson, not something that should be used in revenge...cause thats how the cycle where women think all men are the same, and men think all women are the becomes a non win situation for both sexes down the road which in conclusion, appears to never correct itself...

SoulMate36's photo
Thu 03/26/09 07:29 PM

Expect the worse....hope for the pleasantly suprised.


SoulMate36's photo
Thu 03/26/09 07:28 PM

Wow SoulMate - that reads like you got burned hard, or know someone who did.

oh no sweetie, not me, lol..i know many others who have...i just sit back, learn and take peoples life experience is a powerful key.....

my situation i got off lucky...thank god for law school, i found loop holes to keep everything i worked hard for all my life,

SoulMate36's photo
Thu 03/26/09 07:13 PM

Is it just me or are their others out there, who are finding it really hard to find some decent men as friends, dates or a partner. Am sure i had my fair share of cheats and liars. I do not tar all men with the same brush, but i have just not met any that are any different, all want one thing sad .
I only want to find someone me and my daughter can be happy with, not to much to ask is it ????
Answers and comments on a postcard please laugh

we have all had our fair share of relationship drama...sometimes when children are involved, it means the ex is eventually gonna pop out from the woods..children are always used as a pawn which allowes the ex to come and go as he pleases....too many people in the picture makes the situation of getting to know someone new, a conflict of interest...

ive ben single for 3 years now and have dated my fair share of women with children,... results always end up the same, therefore ive made the decision to try and devote my time and energy into someone with the same or (equal to) qualifications and credentials as me...i never had to paint women with the same brush before but from past experiences, ive learned what works for me and what doesnt...

all the best in finding the right guy for you

SoulMate36's photo
Thu 03/26/09 07:01 PM

Some men do move on that is true. It is also true of women. Some men hurt but try to look for that silver lining. No sense in feeling sad for yourself. The last woman I dated actually broke up with me via email so that she could go back to a man that she initially left because he was 'controlling, egotistical, arrogant...' How do you think that makes you feel? But what are you going to do but learn from it and move on with your life and believe that you are better off without that relationship after all.

see this is what im talking about...well said my good man...
refering to the comment "she left so she could go back to a man that she initially left because he was 'controlling, egotistical, arrogant.." sends out a message to all men to treat women like crap and they will love you forever...

women like transition jumping from one man to the next...its a self insecurity abuse problem or issue they have with the fears of being alone...they ride it out with the current fish till they find another...

i was married before for 8 yrs...a year and a half of that my ex wife had more than she will ever have in a lifetime, yet she still wasnt happy....and when she decided to walk, she didnt really give a valid legitimate reason why she didnt want to be married anymore..but we all know, no one jumps ship without a life jacket....they are almost always looking for the bigger better deal..thats the way it is....we are all better off remaining single..too many relationship head games now-a-days...

SoulMate36's photo
Thu 03/26/09 06:38 PM

They are nice till you marry them

(Did i say that out loud?)huh

*Looks Around*

J/K bigsmile

Good luck brodrinker!!!

SoulMate36's photo
Thu 03/26/09 06:37 PM

why is it so hard to find a nice woman.i'm not sayin all are bad but dang it seems like when i meet someone they start out cool then make a 360 change.i'm not the kinda guy that judges a woman on her looks cause i know i'm not the hottest guy onthe planet.i'm not a thug or anything like that.i guess i'm old fashion kinda guy.i have tryed lookin for love on 2 other site and there are eaither married or party girls or porn i'm on here with the same thing no luck.

talldub said hit the nail right on the head in a nice way, im just saying it in a more clear detailed kind of way....

unfortunately for us guys, women run the world at this present time..they have been given so many rights, men have lost all control over everything, we cant even raise our voices anymore cause its abuse...women can throw knives and bottles at us when they get angry, including attacking our cars and trucks yet in the end men still get punished for justice whatsoever....

Today women have received a taste of what man once had before, this is why women are never happy with just one man..its a known fact...they are just as bad as man once was...they realized how powerful the female anatomy really is, and what it can do....

in reality, women today technically never know what they want...they have so much choice and so much of a variety on what they want to make of themselves, including how they want to morning they wake up wanting a bad boy, the next day they want someone nice and someone to treat them right..sometimes they even try to juggle the best of both worlds..but why is it ok for them to do it, and not men????.....problem is, once women find what they think they want, they dont want it anymore..they get bored quickly and move on to something else..i know more women now that ive ever known who cheat, and its not because men created them to be that way, its cause they are women and they can do whatever they want..

women can pick and chose who they want to be with, when they want to be with them and chose what they want to do with them at any time.... all they gotta do is wear a low cut top, short skirt, show some skin and they can make any man be their little puppet...women today just love attention, but once they get it, they all call us creeps and perverts...

so the system you could say has balanced out...50/ had the upper hand before, now the women have a chance to get some payback (enjoy it while it lasts cause this is all a phase, and phases fade)....the materialistic/independant world we currently live in boils down to this...all for one and one for all....everyones been screwed over too much and have lost their shirts in relationships...people just want to mingle and have fun...serious relationships are a thing of the past at this present time it lands on a spot where no one wants to risk anything life, live happy and answer to no one.....

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