Community > Posts By > StephenPlus2
We just moved to St Pete from Mexico... pretty nice so far. Not happy to have gained 10 pounds in the first six weeks back in the states.
I couldn't figure out why so many folks are substantially overweight until seeing what's being hawked in the grocery aisles. It's a challenge to maintain a healthy diet in the states now. So much of what's available is based on ready-to-eat and over processed, its easy to explain why America is so far out of shape. It's also changing the curve on what an average body type is on these dating sites. I labeled myself as average, thinking it was the appropriate description. Too many of the folks on these sites are stretching things a bit with the standard. Is average now 15-35 pounds overweight? Maybe on somebody with a larger frame, but certainly not on a woman standing 5'2. Is it superficial of me to want to find a good partner that is also fit? I hope not, because I'm also a single dad that needs to be certain that the woman joining our life will be a positive influence on my young children... yes, that includes maintaining a healthy lifestyle. What do you think? |